Bonjour pouvez-vous me traduire ce texte en anglais.Merci d’avance : Voici les discriminations que les femmes subissaient.
-Elles ne pouvaient pas voter
-Ne pouvaient pas disposer d’un compte en banque,sans l’autorisation de son conjoint.
-Le salaire reçu par la femme était distribué au mari
-Les femmes ne pouvaient porter un pantalon seulement pour faire du cheval
-Elles ne pouvaient exercer un métier sans l’autorisation de son mari.
-La femme ne pouvaient pas être avocate.
-Les héritages étaient donnés au homme, la femme ne recevaient que les parts qui avaient le moins de valeur.

Sagot :

These are the discriminations that women suffered.

-They couldn't vote.

-Could not have a bank account without the permission of his spouse.

-The salary received by the wife was distributed to the husband.

-Women could only wear trousers to ride horses -They could not work without her husband's permission.

-The woman could not be a lawyer.

-The inheritances were given to the man, the woman received only the shares that had.

Here are the discriminations that women suffered.
-They couldn't vote
- Could not have a bank account without the authorization of his spouse.
-The salary received by the wife was distributed to the husband
-Women could only wear pants for horse riding
-They could not exercise a trade without the authorization of her husband.
-The woman could not be a lawyer.
-The inheritances were given to the man, the woman received only the shares which had the least value.