s'il vous plaît pouvais vous m'aider je doit faire se travaille pour après les vacances, ses des phrases françaises à traduire en anglais

1) Since I am 6, I changed my dream job so many times.
2) I have always loved to travel and see new things everyday.
3) I don't mind going to school for years and years.
4) He doesn't want to work behind a desk because He already passed the 10 last years behind a school desk.
5) If I were actor, I know that it will be hard to have the roles and it will be a lot of lines to remember.
6) Does he work full time or part time?
7) They like to work in a team but they aren't good to respect deadlines.
8) We are working hard on our CV and letter of motivation to get a little job for the summer holidays
9) Can we really make a living for playing video games?
10) She applied for the hundredth time to have an apprenticeship and to volunteer.
J'espère que cela t'aidera!