Je suis en 4e et je dois écrire un petit dialogue entre un inspecteur et un suspect en anglais:
- Je dois employer le prétérit simple ou BE + verbe en ing
- Je dois exprimer la probabilité ( MAY, MUST, MIGHT, CAN'T)
- Je dois utiliser des pronoms relatifs
-Je dois employer des Questions tags
-Je dois poser des questions au passé.
Reponder moi vite svp c pour demain

Sagot :

Dialogue :

Inspector - Hello Mr Andrews. Take a sit. I am going to ask you a few questions and you have to tell the truth, and the truth only.
Mr Andrews (suspect) - No problem sir !
Inspector - Alright, so where were you yesterday at 9 p.m ?
Mr Andrews - I was at home, with my wife and our dogs.
Inspector - And what were you doing ?
Mr Andrews - I.... My.... The dogs were sick so I decided to take them to the veterinary.
Inspector - You decided to take the dogs to the veterinary at.... 9 p.m !?
Mr Andrews - (breathes deeply) Ye... Yes sir.
Inspector - Listen, I am going to be honest with you : what you are saying might be true, but I don’t believe you because something just doesn’t add up.
Mr Andrews - (phone buzzing) ... I’m sorry I can’t stay are we finished ? Because my wife needs me at home, she says it’s important.
Inspector - Yes, we are. See you another day Mr Andrews.
Mr Andrews - Goodbye sir !