Je galère beaucoup sur cet exercice car je mélange le prétérit simple et le prétérit be + ing et je ne sais pas quand utiliser le quel...
Pourriez vous m’aidez ?

Voici l’exercice :

Complète cet extrait de l'autobiographie
de Muhammad Ali à l'aide du Prétérit simple
ou du Prétérit en BE + -ing.
One of my first encounters with prejudice
(happen) when I (be) too young to remember,
but I've heard my mother tell the story. She
and I (stand) at a bus stop. It (be) a hot day
and I (be) thirsty, so we (walk) up the block
to a small diner, where she (ask) if she (can)
have a cup of water for her son. The man
(say) he (can) not help us and (close) the
door in our faces.
The Soul of a Butterfly, Muhammad Ali, 2004

Sagot :


Réponse :


One of my first encounters with prejudice

happened when I was too young to remember,

but I've heard my mother tell the story. She

and I were standing at a bus stop. It was a hot day

and I was thirsty, so we walked up the block

to a small diner, where she asked if she could

have a cup of water for her son. The man

said he couldn't help us and closed the

door in our faces.

The Soul of a Butterfly, Muhammad Ali, 2004

Réponse :Bonjour,Bonjour,

One of my first encounters with prejudice

happened when I was too young to remember,

but I've heard my mother tell the story. She

and I were standing at a bus stop. It was a hot day

and I was thirsty, so we walked up the block

to a small diner, where she asked if she could

have a cup of water for her son. The man

said he couldn't help us and closed the

door in our faces.

The Soul of a Butterfly, Muhammad Ali, 2004