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Réponse :Bonsoir,
Exercice 5
Nali was princess. She loved swimming in the sea with her friends.
One day, they gave Nali a tuba. Her friend Oryan, a boy from the village, put a tuba on too and they both dived.
Nali was happy to be with Oryan because he showed her a lot of beautiful fish.
She caught one - it was the colour of gold, and Oryan loved it. So Nali decided to give
it to him.
Exercice 6
a. Te Fiti was a...
b. Maul was very interested...
c. Moana and her friends were bored on the island,...
d. it was very sad when Moana's.... so she was always with her....
e. The ocean was Moana's friend, Maui was'nt (ou was not) very nice with her.
f. Maul and moana weren't (ou were not) scared when they first ....
g. The Kakamoras were pirates, but Maui and Moana were more intelligent...