Bonjour, j’ai un contrôle d’anglais demain et j’aurai besoin d’un exemple : Write an essay about bullying

Sagot :

Voici mon essay de l'année dernière,j'espère qu'il t'aidera.

J'ai un peu pris d'internet mais j'ai modifié quelques trucs.

What is bullying?

Bullying is the abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful.It is an issue that has been affecting many in the world today.

Types of bullying.

It takes place in many forms some of which are direct such as:

   *Physical bullying that causes harm on the victim,it has also evolved from the physical injuries that were inflicted on the victims and it has included theft as a method that is used to involve threats and lead to the violence.

   *Verbal bullying which involves name calling and insults or threats being directed at the victim and may also involve emotional bullying where the victim’s emotions are targeted by the bully.

Other forms of bullying may be indirect where the harm is not caused by the person directly but it still ends up affecting the person,such as:

   *Cyberbullying which is the latest and most commonly used form of bullying in the schools today. It continues to evolve with the changes in technology. It uses text messages, emails and various posts on websites as a way of bullying.

→Causes of bullying:

   *Bullies are often jealous of or frustrated with the person

they are bullying.

   * Lack of understanding or empathy.

   * Looking for attention.

   * Bullies don’t care how others feel.

   *Bullies need to be in control.

   *Bullying behavior gets rewarded.

Bullying consequences:

There are various consequences that are seen to arise from the practice of bullying,it can affect:

   * The bulliers,the students who constantly tend to carry the practice out of school and they tend to get involved in criminal activities and they experience a lot of legal trouble in their adulthood. They maintain this behavior even in the workplaces negatively affecting their ability to develop relationships that are positive.

   *The bullied,victims of bullying tend to be very unhappy while in schools and they end up getting depressed and have low self-esteem. Their school work is affected and they may choose to remain at home instead of going to school. They tend to isolate themselves from social activities that involve the schools and this makes them even lonelier. The loneliness and depression may lead them to commit suicide. This is particularly in the cases of emotional bullying where the emotions are targeted by the bullies. The victims also have difficulties when forming relationships in the future.

   *The bullying witnesses,the bystanders who witness the bullying also get affected by it. They are not able to stop the bullying or help out the victim even though he or she may be their friend. Some are usually afraid of becoming the next victim so they end up avoiding confronting the bully. Others, on the other hand, may be of the opinion that the victim deserved the bullying and may also participate.

How to stop bullying:

   *Ask for help,if the situation is too serious do not hesitate to report it.

   *Tell someone, do not be ashamed,it isn't something you should hide even if you are threatened.

   *Help someone who is bullied,it is helpful to set a good example for others to follow.