Je n’arrive pas a faire cet exercice pouvez vous m’aider merci :

About Australia: complete with a form of used
to or the simple past.
• used to: tu montres que les choses ont changé.
.prétérit simple: tu relates seulement les faits.
1. There (not be) many inhabitants before 1788.
2. The first settlers (think) the land (be) empty.
3. The British government (send) convicts to settle on
the land. The first (arrive) in 1788.
4. It (take) months to reach Australia then. Now it takes
a few hours.
5. Many Aboriginals (die). They (catch) European
diseases against which they (have) no immunity

Sagot :

1. There used not to be many inhabitants before 1788
2.The first settlers thought the land was empty.
3.The British governement sent convicts to settle on the land. The first arrived in 1788.
4. It used to take months to reach Australia then. Now it takes a few hours
5. Many aboriginals died. They caught European diseases against which they had no immunity.
Je suis pas pro mais je pense que c’est bon