Bonsoir pouvez m’aidez m’aidez svp merci d’avance :)

D'après ce que je comprends et suite à l'exo précédent je pense qu'il faut dire de quels comparatifs il s'agit ....
= comparatif d'égalité
+ comparatif de supériorité
- comparatif d'infériorité
les adjectifs qui sont "comparés" sont soulignés....
1- The landscape is as interesting here as it was there. =
2- I tell you this man is older than that one. +
3- Butter is as expensive here as in the corner shop. =
4- A donkey is less beautiful than a horse. -
5- The yard is not as big as we thought. =
6- The cakes she makes are not as good as yours. =
7- The school will probably be as far as the church. =
8- The trees are less graceful here than in Florida. -
bonne soirée ☺☺☺
9- It is as easy for a child as for an adult. =
10- These boys are as bad as those.