s'il vous plait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
exercice 1

Bonsoir !!
1- Massive wildfires are a threat to nature : they burnt down 9.4 million acres of forest in The U.S. in 2015. (preterit => action passée terminée). But some insects can be even more damaging ! The bark beetle has already destoyed 46 millions of acres of American forests. (P.perfect => action qui continue dans le présent + already)
2- Since its first "lights-out" avent 10 2007, Earth Hour has grown to engage more than 7,000 cities and towns worlwide. (present perfect => action débutée ds le passé et qui continue ds le présent)
3- Australia's natural wonder is in danger : 22% of its coral died this year and experts say it could be too late for the rest. (preterit action passée datée)
4- Experts say the last decade has been the hottest in history with land and sea temperatures reaching an average 58 degrees Fahrenheit. (bilan entre le passé proche et le présent)
bonne fin de soirée ☺☺☺