8 Donne des conseils aux personnes
suivantes en utilisant need to ou have to.
a. Kerry wants to win this piano competition
but he doesn't play very well.
b. I want to read this book, but it's very long.
c. Alexa has got a maths test tomorrow.
d. Jim is terrible at singing, but he loves it.
e. I want to speak English better.
f. It's my brother's birthday tomorrow.
g. Nico is always tired.
g is ok.
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Sagot :

Réponse : 1 )Kerry has to train a lot

B) I have to read one chapter every day

C) Alexa needs to revise her math lessons

D) Jim has to enroll in a singing class

E) I have to read a lot of books in English, watch movies in English, look up words I don't know in a dictionary

F)i need to choose a nice gifts for my brother

G) Nico needs to sleep more

Explications :

Traduction :

a) Kerry doit beaucoup s’entrainer

B) Je dois lire un chapitre tout les jours

C) Alexa a besoin de réviser ses leçons de maths

D) Jim doit s’inscrire dans un cours de chant

E) Je dois lire beaucoup de livre en anglais, regarder des films en anglais, regarder les mots que je connais pas dans un dictionnaire

F) Je dois choisir un beau cadeau pour mon frère

G) Nico doit plus dormir

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