bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide sur un essaie en anglais d’environ 120 mots pouvez vous m'aider voila le sujet : A company manager has decided to introduce equalpay. He sends a message to all staff to explain the decision taken.write the message

Sagot :


Dear staff,
As I’m sure most of you have seen by now that I am introducing equal pay in the company. I would like to explain my choice. As we all know, women and men are not treated equally in this world and wage discrimination is a reality in a lot of compagnies. I realized that I was also participating to this. A lot of women work full-time, year round and are still paid 15% less than men. It is unjustified for women to receive less pay than men when they are performing the same tasks. they complete their job assignments just as well as their male counterparts, and they receive at least the same, if not more, education than their male coworkers. Gender pay gap is also related to discrimination and sexism which is not prescribed in the law. They go against the principles and values of our company. I indeed want all of my employees to feel equal regardless of their position in the company . Overall I think with me introducing equal pay we will have a more pleasant environment in the company and we can help create a fairer society, where everyone can achieve their potential and be fairly rewarded for the work they do.

Best regards, M. Jeff Barnard

J’ai fait de mon mieux, j’espère t’avoir aidé. Passe une bonne journée et aussi j’ai créé le nom à la fin tu peux changer.
Environ 215 mots