Bonjour je n’arrive absolument pas à ces trois exercices ! pouvez-vous m’aider ? merci bcp ..

Bonsoir et BONNE ANNÉE !!!
exo 1
a- I'd like a cup of hot chocolate.
b- How about a glass of apple juice ?
c- Would you like a piece of cake ?
d- Have a slice of bacon !
e- Do you want a bowl of cereals ?
exo 2
a- Come to the table, breakfast is ready !
b- help yourself !
c- Pass me the milk ! (OU give me)
d- Have some cereals !
exo 3
a- Would you like a shrimp salad ?
b- Have some soup !
c- What about a cheeseburger ?
d- Any chicken wings ?
e- Do you want some barbecue ribs ?
Do you prefer some apple pie or a cheesecake ?
bonne soirée ☺☺☺