Bonjour euh moi j'ai vraiment du mal avec l'anglais

S'il vous plaît aider moi

Composez une phrase sur le modele suivant : S+Vs (ou Ved)+Complement 1 (+Complement 2) en utilisant les mots suivants  (1 phrase par mot) : DELIVER - UNDISTRURBED - HOPE - AMAZING - AVAILABLE - NIGHTMARE



Sagot :

They delivered the pizza I ordered at 7pm..
This library is the most undisturbed place I have ever been to.
I hope that she will get the Christmas present she always wanted to have.
I was at an amazing concert last night and it was unforgettable!
I try to find an available place in the parking of this supermarket.
I did at least two nightmares because of the horror movies I watched with my best friend.

En ésperant avoir bien répondu à ta question.