Je n'arrive pas a faire mon exercice d'anglais:
Aidez vous des réponses pour compléter chaque queston avec un des mots interrogatifs suivants et mettez les verbes a la forme voulue: When,How Many,How Long, How old 

1.Question:(you-get) the idea for harry potter?...................................................................
Answer: In the 90s. I was in the train and the idea just came to me 

2.Q:(it-take) to write the first book?....................................................................................
A:Five years, although during that time i was also planning parts of the sequels

3.Q:(Harry Potter-be)?.................................................................................................
A:In book one he is 11, and he is one year older in each subsequent book

4.Q:(Books-be sold)?.......................................................................................................
A: more than 100 million copies have been sold so far, in 42 different languages.