Bonjour je dois faire un résume de 5 lignes sur une personne avec c'est quelques information ci dessous : 

Key words : generous; brave; experience; books; leader; teachers; buffaloes; uncles; father; brothers; old men; village.
Adjectives you hear : vengeful; wise; cruel.
You can conclude : his education; his family; his character
This extract is about...
Type of document : an audio guide
Name : Sitting Bull or Tatanka Iyotake
Nickname : Slow or "Hunkesni"
Reason for nickname : he never hurries; he is very careful
Numbers you hear : 1831
Proper nouns you hear : 10
Events (=what happened) : 14

Merci d'avance ! Ps: c'ets un devoir a faire en anglais et pas en français :)

Sagot :

Sitting Bull , from is real name, Tatanka Iyotake, is born in 1831. His nickname is Slow because he is always carefull. He had a lot of teachers: his father, his brother, his uncle, and all he learnt is bu experience. He is wise, generous and brave, but not cruel. At the age of 10, he killed his first buffalo, and he had his first war party at the age of 14. He is the chief of a Sue tribe.

Ensuite tu peux enlever ce que tu ne veux pas, mais sache que tous ce que j'ai écrit est vrai vu que je l'ai fait en anglais!
Tatanka Iotake is a brave ,generous and experienced old man....