Bonjour, je suis en 2nd et pour mardi, j'ai un exercice d'anglais à
faire, dont la consigne est ; Ask the questions about the words underlined.
((Dont la forme de question est : Wh + Auxiliaire + Sujet + Verbe)

1. Brian came so as to repair the computer.

J'ai un doute, mais j'ai mis : Why did Brian come ? (Mais je ne pense pas que ça sois ça)

2. Tom and Mary are writing a book.

J'ai mis : What are writing Tom and Mary ?

3. Jenny has bought 4 t-shirts.

J'ai mis : How many does t-shirt Jenny buy ?

4. Elisabeth visits her parents once a week.

J'ai mis : How often does Elisabeth visit her parents ?

5. Brian paid 50 Euros for this game

J'ai mis : How much do money he paid ?

Bon, je suis sûre que ce que j'ai mis est faux, donc, vous pourriez m'aider ? :(
Merci bcp d'avance !

Sagot :

1 . Why did Brian came? 2. What are they doing? 3.How many T-Shirts does Jenny bought? 4. How often does Elusabeth visits her parents? 5. How much does Brian paid for this game?