bonjour qui peut me corriger svp?

Merci davance! :)


Il faut répondre au questions pose



3. Answer these questions (about one or two lines for each question)


a) What does a judge do?

A judge has to jug between people who has got problems. Indeed if we cannot solve a problem our self, we need the use of a judge which is neutral.


B) What do you study to become a judge?

In order to become a judge, we have to study the right at the university for five years after the bachelor


c) Do they earn much?

 Judges must earn much because it is not an easy job and there is many risks


d) Would you like to be a judge? Why?  (About ten lines)

Yes, I would like to be a judge because it is a job that requires courage openness large capacity and above all wisdom. I would like to be a judge to defend its poor defendants who can be condoms a life without good reason. Also, I would like to be a judge o earn a good salary, which will allow me to make other projects. I have in mind.

Sagot :

Je mets en gras ce qui change.


a) A judge will judge (car jug ne veut sûrement rien dire) between people who had problems. Indeed, if we can not (tu as collé cannot) solve a problem ourselves (qui veut dire nous-mêmes mais je pense que ta réponse est bonne), we need the use of a judge who does not favoritism (je pense que le favoritisme est mieux que "neutre", mais l'idée reste la même).


b) Je trouve que la réponse me semble correct, donc rien a corriger.


c) Ta réponse est bonne mais je rajoute une réponse : The judges are very asked.


d) "condoms" n'est pas à être utilisé pour une réponse. "Also, I would like to be a judge o earn a good salary (...)" il y a un "o" au milieu de la phrase... Faut mieu utiliser "to earn a good salary"


Voilà pour moi, en espérant t'avoir aidé.

Les idées semblent bonnes, cependant la traduction est visiblement une traduction mot-à-mot du français. Pour faire une bonne traduction, il ne faut pas hésiter à consulter le dictionnaire, quand on le peut, pour voir les différents sens des mots et choisir celui qui convient le mieux.


Je proposerais :


a) What does a judge do?

A judge must try with neutrality problematic cases as, for instance, when two people don't agree with each other.


b) What do you study to become a judge?

In order to become a judge, we have to study law in university for five years after high school diploma.


c) Do they earn much?

 Yes, judges earn much because their job is not a easy one and involves many risks.


d) Would you like to be a judge? Why?  (About ten lines)

I would like to be a judge because this job requires a lot of courage, open-mindedness large capacity and, above all, wisdom. I would like to be a judge to protect poor defendants who mustn't be sentenced to life without good reasons. Furthermore, I would like to be a judge to earn a good salary, which will allow me to carry out other plans that have in mind.