Un chef d'étéblissement donnes les consignes à tous les élèves en cas d'incendie.Rédige son discours en t'inspirant des phrases ci dessous.Ensuite pose 2 ou 3 questions sur ce que les élèves ont le droit de faire ou non :
Walk quietly of the building with your teacher
Do not run
Go to your assigned place in the yard
Stay with your class and your teacher at all times
Do not return to your class without your teacher
L'excercie commence comme ça :So ,wen there's a fire drill ,you et là il faut inventer la suite.
Jer vous serais très reconnaissante de votre aide ,merci d'avance !
So ,wen there's a fire drill ,you have to Walk quietly of the building with your teacher. Don't run and stay with your class and your teacher at all times. If you forgot something in the classroom you don't return to your class without your teacher. Finally, you go to your assigned place in the yard.
Voilà, moi, j'aurais mit sa :)