Bonjour, j’aurais besoin d’aide pour ce exercice s’il vous plaît, j’ai pas très bien compris les questions et malgré avoir essayé de tout traduire j’ai encore du mal. Merci d’avance
The Copernicium
| Pratiquer une langue vivante étrangère.
Copernicium is the chemical element having the
highest atomic number ever recorded¹. This element
was first created in 1996 by firing accelerated² 70/30 Zn
nuclei at a target³ made of 208/82 Pb nuclei in a heavy ion accelerator. The atomic number of Copernicium
is 112 and its chemical formula is Cn. Its most stable form has 285 nucleons.
1. recorded: enregistré;
2. firing accelerated: tir accéléré;
3. target: cible;
4. heavy; lourd.
1. Translate then define the following words: chemical
element, nucleus (pl. nuclei).
2. Give the nuclear notation for the most stable Copernicium
3. Find a relation between the atomic numbers for coper-
nicium Cn, zinc Zn and lead Pb.