Entraine-toi : Prétérit simple ou préterit Be+V-ing ? One fine day, not long ago, an old man......... Finally, he so he The cabin in the forest ......... ..(get dark), he found himself in an unfamiliar part of .....(walk) for hours but he couldn't find his way home. .......(arrive) at a small old cabin. He ..(decide) to stay there for the night. ...(walk) in the forest. Just as it the forest. He When he ..(get) closer to the cabin, he was open. Inside, he could see that the little cabin but there ...(be) a bed that (burn) in the fireplace. So the man ...(feel) very tired, ..(see) that the door .....(be) completely empty ...(look) comfortable and a fire .....(decide) to sleep there for the night. While he ...........(lie) on the bed, he .....(look) around and was surprised to see that the walls were covered with paintings. They were very realistic and extremely ugly. They ...(make) him feel uncomfortable so he ......................(turn) on his side and ... ..(go) to sleep. When the man ....... ..(wake up) in the morning, the birds ........ (sing) and the morning light .............(come) in through the window. He ........(discover) something strange: there ........(be) no family portraits on the walls of the cabin....only windows. ​