Bonsoir je m’excuse de demander de l’aide aussi tard mais je suis vraiment en galère …

Il faut passer se texte au prétérit simple et mettre les mots écrit en français en anglais :

When I was eight years old , I went on a pub to night dark and rawnny. I was wis my two best friends… I heard footsteps and steeps hooves.

I then saw in this.. a headless rider has the allure of a bogey chevauchant a horse squelettique y haire-rising he headed to a churchyard apparemment hanté. A monk who was sitting à côté de de nous drew us in à Forest, where we got lost we plongé in a étant and swimming up to not have of breath and a that time a rider/cavaler and a horse surfaced before us and.. he dirigea to us, making us one smile creepy of blood coming of his eyes and he disparu without leaving any evidence