Exercice 1. Prétérit simple ou prétérit Be ing? Relis le Think About It n°2 et entoure la bonne forme. Sois
prêt.e à expliquer tes choix à l'oral en classe.
The vampire woke up / was waking up/ were waking up at midnight on a rainy night and he went out / was
going out / were going out. He walked / was walking / were walking in the cemetery when he met / was
meeting / were meeting another vampire.
An old man took out/ was taking out/were taking out the rubbish when he saw / was seeing / were seeing
two scary men who wore / was wearing / were wearing black clothes. He screamed / was screaming / were
screaming when he felt / was feeling / were feeling a cold hand with long claws on his shoulder. As the
vampire bit/ was biting/were biting his neck, the man stabbed / was stabbing/were stabbing him with his
umbrella and the vampire turned / was turning / were turning into dust. When he realized / was realizing/
were realizing his friend was dead, the second vampire ran away/was running away/were running away.