We should stop......
We should turn off the ........
We should turn off the .......
The 3 Rs
We should write on both ........
resources or energy:
.... when we brush our teeth or wash our hands.
....... and the appliances (TV, computers...) when we don't use
...... or the heater is on.
We should close the doors and windows when the .....
We should .................-dry
the clothes.
We should use LED or ...
......... light bulbs.
showers (80 litres per shower).
We should take......
We should cycle, .................... or walk more.
We should stop wasting goods:
...... of a paper.
We shouldn't waste food: we should ..............
....... food scraps
We should ....... ........ only what we really .......
FUN FACTS: by cutting your daily shower time by one minute, you can save 3,000 litres a year

Sagot :