Georgia, a young girl from Kent, England,
experienced cyberbullying when she was thirteen
years old. It all started after she and one of her
friends had a quarrel. She started receiving
nasty messages on a social networks and on
her phone for a few weeks. Anonymous people
would insult her and create stories about her.
She felt lonely, had no friends and slowly began
to believe everything the bullies said. She
thought she was worthless. But fortunately,
while cleaning her room, her mum found
poems and drawings that made her understand
everything. So her mum and dad confronted
Georgia and she told them everything. She
felt relieved afterwards. Her parents deleted
her social accounts on the net and changed
her phone number. She has since realised that
bullies are just cowards sitting behind
a screen.
Khushal, 17, from London, was cyberbullied
through Facebook. Someone created
an account in his name and put horrible
photoshopped images of him and used it to
send rude and abusive comments. Worse,
almost his entire year group of pupils had
added him as a friend, and were seeing all the
posts. At first Khushal couldn't understand
why people were behaving strangely towards
him. Eventually, he discovered the fake
account. A friend accompanied him to talk to
teachers about it. The school asked Facebook
to delete the account, which they eventually
did. Thanks to a lot of support from friends,
teachers and his parents, Khushal has now
become a volunteer to help other victims of
1. Write down all the elements describing how Georgia felt about the situation.
2. Who helped Georgia and Khushal?
3. Georgia's story and Khushal's story have 2 elements in common. What are they?
4. What was Khushal's reaction after the incident?
B Add these two new situations to the grid on page 30 or add new vocabulary
on page 31.
C In the following list of adjectives, pick the ones that you think describe best the way
victims of bullying feel. Be ready to explain your choice.
anxious confident depressed energetic extroverted humiliated
indifferent introverted open optimistic pessimistic revengeful shy