remplir les pointillés avec les mots en dessus

meal ,Frozen food, fast food, work,
hobbies,eating habits,roast,
baked beans, lunch, influence
Packed lunch , snacks

1. ,............ is one of thé ingredients of traditional english breakfast .

2. Breakfast is the first ..... of the day.

3. Lots of pupils take a........ ton school.

4. We often eat.............................between meals.

5. ................commitments and...... are responsible for us eating convenience foods.

6. English people like to eat... with dessert.

7. French............ are changing.

8. ... ...........are convenient.

9. The....... of international cuisine us Widespread in England.

10 A traditional lunch at lunctime on Sunday us ...... meat with Yorkshire pudding ans vegetables.

11. .......usually consists of a sandwich.crisps and a piece of fruit .

12 Macdonald is a type of................. restaurant.

13 .......,......... is eaten at the end of a meal in England.

14 I prefer .............. meals rather than preprepared meals .​