Get ready Ecoute, puis utilise ces verbes pour écrire ce que ces personnes sont en train de faire. have fun-run-practise-play a. Jordan is b. Jack and Jill c. Jonathan d. Julie and Jackie in the forest. 5 Fill in the grid with information about Lenny. Then explain why he is an example of courage. Daily routine He is an example of courage because Abilities and limits 6 True or false? Tick, then check your answers with your classmates. a. When Kim arrives, Lenny is sleeping. b. Lenny is a bit lazy and likes to sleep late. c. Lenny isn't as fast as his friends and gets tired more easily. d. Lenny's handicap is a big problem for him. e. Lenny is a positive and optimistic person. Special dream True ☐☐☐☐☐ False F​