Bonjour, j’ai ce devoir à faire en anglais sur Agatha Christie mais je n’y arrive pas. Merci d’avance pour vos réponses.

In 1920, she ......
.................. (write) her first book, "The Mysterious Affair of
Styles". It ................(be) an immediate success: people
..(love) the hero that she invented: the Belgian
detective Hercule Poirot.
During World War I, Agatha
..... in a hospital as a nurse.
she .......
(work) in the hospital pharmacy (that's where she
learnt all the information about poisons and medicines that she used
later in her books). Agatha
(admit) that poisons were her
favourite means of murder.
Ⓒher divorce, Agatha
archeologist. She .......
to Egypt, Syria and Irak. They ......
She .....
..... (remarry) in 1930 with an
(travel) a lot with him, particularly
.... (spend) several months a
year in the desert Agatha didn't stop writing. She
(take) her typewriter with her and .............. ... (publish) books with
exotic titles like "Death on the Nile" or "Murder on the Orient Express".
People really......
(love) her books and especially her
heroes: Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot.
..(write) 78 crime novels, 150 short stories 19

Sagot :