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Looking LOS ANGELES, CA - September 1, 2016 ™ [...] today announced the results am of a poll revealing a teen population evenly split on disliking and liking having to go back to school. In a recent online poll surveying hundreds of teenagers, 56% said they were not looking forward to going back to school while 44% said they were. What does it mean? Looking at the Quizilla Forum comments following the poll, those dreading getting back on the bus cite boring teachers, crowded classes, being ridiculed for being different and fear of failing. The surprisingly high number embracing a return to the classroom look forward to seeing friends after a summer apart, going back into a system where they will now be a year higher up in the food chain, and stimulation following a summer that may have become a bit boring. "Quizilla Back-to-School Poll", Marketwired, 2016.
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