hello can you please help me for this assignment about thermodynamics ? and thank you in advance
A gas turbine device is shown in Figure 2-16,the mixture of fuel and air with h1 = 286 kJ / kg is known,.it enters the combustion chamber at a speed of 20m / s on a cross section and burns under a constant pressure, which is equivalent to obtaining heat per unit mass from the outside world. q = 879 kJ / kg combustion gas in the nozzle. The adiabatic expansion to 3, h3 = 502 kJ / kg, the flow rate increases to C3, and then the gas enters the middle blade of the impeller, pushing the impeller to rotate to do work. If the gas pushes the impeller, the thermal state remains unchanged, but the flow rate decreases, and the speed leaving the gas turbine is c4 = 150 m / s.
Please calculate the following questions:
(1) Gas velocity at nozzle outlet c3
(2) Work done per kilogram of gas in a gas turbine
(3) Gas turbine output power when gas mass flow is 5.6 kg / s