2. Write the correct question words. 1.Te see the pyramide did you go to Egypt? 2 is her favourite flower? 3. _flour do we need? 4. does Nancy spend holidays? do you play the guitar? is the post office from here? does Rosie sing? 5 6- 7._ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 324. is your coat? I can't do a handstand? was your car when you sold it? -- people were invited to the party? - is Thanksgiving celebrated in the US? is the Eiffel Tower? have they had their pet? is that notebook? = marguerites / pâquerettes ni en laina flour : farine To see the pyramids. A daisy, A kilo. In California. Every day. Five-minute walk. Like an angel. The woollen one. Nick and Ted 10. 15. In November. 324 m. For three years. Diana's. 1​